Cuvée Price
2017 Daniel Rion Echezeaux $214.95
2017 Daniel Rion Clos Vougeot - 'Le Petit Maupertuis' $199.95
2017 Daniel Rion Grand Cru 2 Pack (1 each of above) $379.95

 I began truly loving Burgundy when I gained the confidence to taste with an entirely open mind, prioritizing tasting over expectation.  Rion is a producer whose wines I struggled with for many years, consistently finding the fruit quality a bit roasted and the new oak leaving a brûléed imprint on the juice... which is why these vividly pure, red-fruited ’17s were such lovely (re)discoveries.  We allocate so much enthusiasm to the pursuit of the ‘next great,’ that the joy of rediscovery can go unnoticed.  It is easy to find beauty in the likeliest of places, and more delicious still when beauty sneaks up on us and challenges certitude.

The ’17 Ech is wilder than the Vougeot, deeper in its fruit profile, softer, more forward.  It is ‘ready’ now in the sense that it is open-knit and giving, with grand cru intensity without a bit of excess.  This wine feels both more lifted and more sure-footed than other vintages, and we couldn’t be more excited to share them with you. - Jason

I tasted Daniel Rion Clos Vougeot 2017 with my good friend Bobby Conroy without having great expectations, but it didn’t take long to realize that I was completely wrong on that account. The wine is full of red fruit, violets, attractive sous bois, smoky meat, and subtle sweet oak spices.  The palate has great energy & concentration. There's purity and delicacy along with true grand cru complexity.  I just loved the brightness of the wine. On the other hand, this is a serious Clos Vougeot that will develop nicely over the next 10 years at least. - Daniel

The 2017 Daniel Rion wines are the most impressive I have ever tasted from the Domaine and it is a great shame that the winery is wrapping up operations at the end of this very month. The patriarch and namesake of the domaine passed away two years ago and, as so often in Burgundy, with succession comes further morcellation. Best to go out on a high note and I look with excitement at what future Rions shall make of their priveleged holdings.

These are a pair of impressive wines from impeccable sites in the heart of the Côte de Nuits. The Echezeaux hails from 60 year old vines in Les Treux (next to Grands Echezeaux) while the Clos Vougeot comes from upslope lieu-dit Le Petit Maupertuis (also bordering Grands Echezeaux). This 100% destemmed pair both have winsome perfumes and spiced, earthy palates with pure sweet, fruit. They are expressive of their vineyards and capture the lovely energy of the vintage. We created two packs of these wines expressly in the hopes that you might take advantage of the opportunity to see that magic of Burgundy- sites within a stone's throw expressing subtly different characters. They are both delectable in any case. Enjoy!

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