*Special Offer Price - $33.95 per bottle with code BURGSTEAL

If you’ve given up on finding $35-ish Red Burgundy capable of engaging us in a total, comprehensive way, that will sustain pleasure and fascination across as many bottles as we're willing to bring to the experiment, I’m confident one whiff of this wine will fully repair your confidence.  

If Daniel and I didn’t know Virgile Lignier so well we might be genuinely worried his 2021 ‘Côteaux Bourguignons’ (intentionally in air quotes) was mislabelled.  This is not the story of a wine that overachieves in a ‘surprisingly good for its category’ kind of way.  Complex and intense and persuasive to a flat-out bizarre degree, the wine seems sent to implode our hierarchical assumptions altogether. 

‘But seriously though, how is this so good?’ was my favorite tasting note shared over the bottle our small group opened earlier this week.  Others gushed over the wine’s purple-blue blast of fruit and impressive floral intensity, but we sold out that night for reasons larger than any feature or grouping of features.  We found ourselves so far from ‘entry-level’ we couldn't find our own way back.






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