Special 3-Bottle Offer Price - $24.95 with code SYRAHSTEAL

This ‘little’ Syrah is likely the most hedonistic $25 you’ll spend this summer, wine or otherwise.  If you like Pierre Gonon’s ‘Les Îles Feray’ but liked it better a decade ago when you could afford to drink bottles weekly, I'm confident you'll make fast friends with Malsert. 

The wine comes from old vines grown in high-elevation terraces just outside St.-Joseph.  Malsert’s natural approach - here as elsewhere - centers pure, immediate pleasure.  His are the kinds of wines that never have a ‘closed’ day in their lives.  Like Gonon, here's Syrah in all its glorious purplish exuberance. 

The colder you can get your bottles and the more your glass resembles a mason jar the better.  






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