Enjoy 10% Off 3 Bottles or More With Code RAVSUMMER

It's only kinda August without Raveneau.  Our largest in-stock list in a good while is here to help.   

There really is no better way to memorialize the season.  Open and decant one of these beauties (literally any of them) for a couple hours and, come February, I'm betting you'll remember its oceanic depth as vividly as any weekend trip you take this Summer.   

We recently revisited the domaine's '21s.  Mineral and umami’d aspects remain so forward they seem determined to swallow the fruit whole.  If salt and stones appeal more than overt fruit please make sure you have a few bottles stashed.  

At a visit to the domaine a couple years back we asked Isabelle how she manages to achieve the spherical textures that are a Raveneau signature.  She shared that both her father and grandfather believed in bottling only when wines felt like finished versions of themselves.  Long barrel-aging resulted, then as now, in fully texturized 'adult' wines rather than the 'pimpled teenagers' of shorter and/or steelier élévage.






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