Young winemakers strike gold often enough though routinizing success takes time.  Usually. 

Tom Myers (first vintage 2020) seems to have expedited the process.  The set of family traits that, in sum, constitute a producer’s ‘style’ impress here with a confidence and uniformity well beyond freshman expectations.   

The wines are medium-bodied.  They're also perfumy, that term's hi-toned implication very much intended.  Tom’s stints at d’Angerville and Ben Leroux make Burgundian associations easy and, honestly, by the third or fourth wine they become irresistible.  Giulia Negri’s wines are the closest Piedmont equivalents though these early d’Arcy efforts are softer still. 

Whole-clusters season but do not dominate their wines and tend to steer aromatics in the direction of sage and jasmine.  You notice these less at first, then are later left wondering if your last few ounces had been steeped.  






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